miladolgova55 | Дата: Четверг, 15.09.2022, 12:31 | Сообщение # 1 |
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| Предлагаю вашему вниманию план-конспект урока английского языка, который является одним из завершающих по теме «Общение» в разделе «Мои увлечения» учебника английского языка "New Millennium English" для VI класса общеобразовательных учреждений. Тема данного урока «SMS - секретный код» является актуальной в современном обществе информационных технологий. К тому же, материал, изучаемый на уроке, соответствует реалиям общения в англо-говорящих странах, что не может не увеличивать мотивацию учащихся к изучению иностранного языка. Кроме того, в конспект урока включено дополнительное упражнение в случае, если на уроке останется свободное время. Цель урока: формирование продуктивного навыка письма на основе материала кратких сообщений SMS. Задачи урока: - обобщение лексико-грамматических знаний учащихся; - развитие умения соотносить форму и значение зашифрованных сообщений; - развитие способности к сравнению, обобщению и формированию выводов из полученной информации; - создание коммуникативных ситуаций для формирования продуктивного навыка письма кратких сообщений. Методы работы на уроке: фронтальная, индивидуальная и работа в парах; наглядно-иллюстративный метод. Оснащение: мультимедийная доска с проектором, дидактический матери- ал (фильм "Spycat", презентация Power Point с разработанными упражнениями), опорный конспект для рефлексии. Ход урока I. Организационный этап. На доске написаны следующие зашифрованные слова: OUERTMPC, 315131321149312091514, TENRETNI, CDHYAWTR RUOIOMYS, HNH. В центре - тема урока: A Secret Code of SMS; Cryptology. 1. Организационно-психологический момент Teacher (T): Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you. How are you, Misha? ... How are you, Ann? ... I'm fine, thank you. Today we'll get to know how English boys and girls write short messages to each other and what "secret code" they use. 2. Лексико-речевая разминка T: Please, look at the board! What do you see? P: Strange letters and numbers. T: What is the topic of our lesson? P: The topic of our lesson is "A Secret Code of SMS; Cryptology". T: Right! But who knows what cryptology is? Think of biology, astrology, ecology, psychology.. (This question can be answered in Russian, with the teacher's translation into English.) T: Cryptology is the study of communication using secret writings. Today we'll learn to understand them. II. Основная часть урока. 1. Развитие навыков аудирования, ознакомительного чтения, лингвистической догадки (10-15 мин.) a) Before watching the cartoon На доске появляется первый кадр обучающего мультфильма. T: Students, could you look at the board? Who do you see? P: A cat. T: Well. What is the cat's name? You have three variants: Spycat, Teacher Cat or Reader Cat. (Elicit the meaning of the word "spy".) Raise your hands whoever thinks it is Spycat. . One, two. Good! Raise your hands whoever thinks it is Teacher Cat. ... One, two. And at last raise your hands Ключевые слова: информационные технологии, краткие сообщения SMS, обучающий мультфильм. whoever thinks it is Reader Cat.... Polly, could you report the results? P: Six students think that it is Spycat. Six students believe that is Teacher Cat. And only two students think that it is Reader Cat. T: Very well. Thanks! The cat on the board is Spycat. Now we'll watch a cartoon about it. b) While watching the cartoon T: Now let's watch the cartoon once again and your task will be to do Ex. A and B on the sheets of paper I'm giving you. A. What happens in the story? Put these sentens in the right order. B. Spycat finds a lot of clues in the story. They are written in code. Can you write the messages? 1. og ot sprai = 2. og ot gyept = 3. og ot gnoh knog = 4. og ot donlon = 5. yttar si ni sih evac = Key: A. 1. Spycat gets a message on his radio watch. 2. Ratty invents a computer virus in his cave. 3. Spycat goes to Paris. 4. Spycat goes to Egypt. 5. Spycat goes to Hong Kong. 6. Spycat goes to London. 7. Spycat finds Ratty's cave. 8. Spycat has a holiday. B. 1. Go to Paris. 2. Go to Egypt. 3. Go to Hong Kong. 4. Go to London. 5. Ratty is in his cave. c) After watching the cartoon T: You see a message from Spycat in ex. C. Can you read it? C. Now see if you can read this message from Spycat. yttar si enog. sih retupmoc si deyortsed. m'i no yadiloh no a tresed dnalsi, tub m'i no yttar trela! Key: Ratty is gone. His computer is destroyed. I'm on holiday on a desert island, but I'm on Ratty alert! T: In the cartoon Spycat reads secret messages. What two codes does he use? (This exercise can be done in Russian, with the teacher's translation into English.) Key: 1. The letters in a word are jumbled up, e.g. OG OT GYEPT = GO TO EGYPT; 2. The message is written in symbols, not in letters. Each symbol represents a different letter. T: There are other ways to write secret messages, aren't there? Look at the board. And try to understand the words written here. Who will decipher more words? Let's play a game. (Students decipher the words written on the board at the beginning of the lesson.) Key: OUERTMPC = computer (jumbled up letters); 315131321149312091514 = communication (numbers instead of letters); TENRETNI = Internet (backwards writing); CDHYAWTR RUOIOEMYS = chat rooms (read every second letter); HNH = SMS (reverse the alphabet). 2. Формирование продуктивного навыка письма кратких сообщений (15-20 мин.) T: There is one more code to write messages. This very code is used to write an SMS message. Look at the example. U = you R = are C = see B = be 4U = for you CU = see you gr8 = great @ = at f2f = face to face T: Where do we find such writing? P: In music, e.g. Madonna's song "Give It 2 Me". P: Or the music group U2. P: There is a shop 4U in Moscow. T: Right you are! Now we'll be Spycats ourselves. We need to understand the following SMS chat. HOW R U? OK N U? OK CU 2DAY? NO 2MORO WER? @J'S. CU L8TR LUV B :-* Key: How are you? OK and you? OK. See you today? No. Tomorrow. Where? At John's. See you later. Love, Bill. Kiss. T: In Russian there is a word "смайлик". It is formed from the English verb "to smile". Is Spycat smiling? What symbol can we use to express it? : -) Now your task is to match the symbols with their meaning. A)
 1) Sad 2) Very happy C) : - )) 3) Hugs and kisses D) :'-( 4) Surprised/shocked E) XOXOX 5) Laughing F) : -O 6) Angry G) : -D 7) Crying Key: A) 6, 1, C) 2, D) 7, E) 3, F) 4, G) 5. Option! If you have extra time, you can do the following exercise with your students. Read them the situations and they will write the appropriate symbol expressing emotions. - You win the lottery. - You lose your home composition. - Someone tells you a joke. - Your computer gets a virus. - You see a ghost. - You fail at an exam. - Your best friend shouts at you. The teacher can also do the task vice versa. The teacher writes down the symbol expressing some feeling and students tell the situation. T: Now take out your mobile phones and read the last message you've sent. Your task is to write it in English using the code of SMS. T: Now you'll work in pairs. Imagine you are students of one of the British private schools. You get your timetables and you must agree on a time to meet by sending SMS messages to each other. Л iti*tfenrj di i гт Studcrtl A Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 07.0009.00 get up, breakfast get up, breakfast get up, breakfast get up, breakfast get up, breakfast sleep sleep 09.00— 11.00 English lesson shopping French lesson philosophises re get up, breakfast sleep 11.00— 13.00 French literature lecture English literature lecture meet tutor basketball practice gel up, breakfast 13.0015.00 lunch; student union in cdlng lunch; read in library lunch; shopping 5-mile run; lunch 15.00— 17.00 basketball practice lingustics seminar basketball practice philosophy seminar tea with tutor 17.00— 19,00 work on assignments read in library read in library work Dn assignments work on assign men ts 19.0021.00 supper; work on assignments supper; ga to cinema supper; read in library party supper, read ( A student's dfary Student G. Monda у Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 07.0000.00 get up. breakfast get up. breakfast eet lip, breakfast get up. brefikfasi get up, breakfast get up, breakfast get up. breakfast 09,0Q— 11.00 biology lab chemistry lab biology lecture swim 11.00— 13.00 phifojophy of science seminar wcrk in library swim 13.00— 35.00 lunch; Shopping lunch; computer practice lunch seminar lunch; stiupping lunch; walk in cnuntrу 15.0017.00 biology laii computer practice chemistry lecture computer practice work in library- walk in country 17 00- ■ 19.00 swim swim swim swim visit family 19.00^ 21.00 supper: work In library supper; work ill library Itiejtre visit family III. Заключительный этап. T: Your home task is to find a pen pal and to chat with her or him using the SMS code we've learnt today. The websites written on the board can help you (www.penpalgarden. com; Spycat has the last question for you: Why do we need secret codes? P: If we use secret codes no one can understand us. P: Agents use secret codes to spy on people. P: It is something new and interesting. T: Thanks for your work! See you! Goodbye! CARTOON STRIP
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